Thursday, June 23, 2011

What I watched last night and Sheep

I meant to write this post last night, but instead I watched some guy on PBS (my favorite channel) try to sell/trade a jade carving, tea and fish. Well, we decided that we are moving to Japan to run a fishing boat. I already know someone who lived in Japan for a while though I have never really talked much about it with him. He might be able to give us some insight... Oh, you know I'm Joking, right? We aren't moving anywhere. (I'm sure one of you just had a near panic attack because you know we get some Ideas and Act on them.) Be assured we are Not Moving. To Japan.

I have been taking pictures all week and I'm hoping Blogger is in a cooperating mood this morning. Pictures are the point of this post today (although I'm sure you found my PBS watching riveting... I'm currently tuned into Sesame Street).
I'm so glad it worked! Here be our sheep. They loved seeing us. The boys were practicing their herding skills and are pretty good.
Mama didn't dress her boy for sheep herding this day. He made sure he had his hat on before we walked out the door. And Crocs.
My babies were petting this baby and he would occasionally BAAAHHH for his mommy. I love this.

I have a variety of pictures left and I think I'll do a separate post for them tomorrow. I'll give you some clues... "Doe a dear, a female dear", odd couples, my spectacular culinary skills, how to fall on trampolines (as demonstrated by a four year old) and Rose. See, that assortment just doesn't fit in here. It needs it's own randomness kind of post.

I'm pretty sure I'm going to pretend to be Maria von Trapp the rest of today (Singing Included),

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