Thursday, October 20, 2011

normal and much less personal

Well, well... shall we start with yesterday? I had an hour in the middle of the day Tuesday all to myself and miraculously all three children took a nap. (At the same time!) Rare as rare can get these days. I let myself think some seriously deep thoughts and this happened. Apparently I made some people cry (sorry) and honestly I could barely proof read it with the darn eyes tearing up. Thanks for your lovely comments. I was a little-okay, a lot- worried about publishing something that is so personal. Sometimes I forget that my friends, in-laws and husband read this. Oh, and sometimes my dad. It was really scary all of the sudden when I thought of that, because even those who I'm close to in my personal (non-Internet) life suddenly knew some things I went through and I didn't talk much about.

and now on to less sappy things

This is how I found Rose last week during nap time. Her picture book was opened to the page with Daddy on it. Just thought it was cute.

We opened our yard gate and let the cows and horses feast on green grass. They mowed it down pretty quickly.

I'm seeing more of this than I want to. Should I start harvesting?

I'll probably lose this list before I'm done writing this post. I will probably do 2.3 of these things and I'll let you guess which ones they might be. Don't you like how supper has question mark? I like making lists but I hate following them. I think this has something to do with my dislike of being told what to do. I'll see if I can cross some stuff off, though.

Also, yesterday was my friend Holly's birthday. I hope you took my advice and had something with sugar. You are awesome and I hope you had a great day!

My sister-in-law is trying to unleash my real name and identity on her blog. How dare her. (she is hilarious and super talented, go say hello to her.)

 Stay classy.


  1. Ooops! I can go edit that. I didn't even think about it (shocking).

  2. It's alright! I mean, my picture is all over this thing, so I'm not exactly as "undercover" as I started out to be. My secret blog is no longer a secret.

  3. we are seriously the same person- i make like 23 lists a day... but i hate to do the stuff on them because i hate anyone telling me (including me) what to do! sometimes i even make lists of things i have already dont so i can cross things off it... because i do get a kick out of that. makes me feel accomplished.

  4. I was like that at first with personal posts...but, my husband doesn't read my blog, he makes fun of me for it ;)
    I like you "not to do list".
