Friday, October 7, 2011

Randomness Abounds! (also, we don't freestyle)

I tried to design our Christmas card this morning but when I finally settled on a card template I liked it wouldn't load. Time well wasted. (not) See, I can't remember if I sent out cards last year or not. I can only remember sending them in 2009. I'm trying to get an early start this year because it usually comes down to me waiting until December 22 to decide what to order. (I'm not a procrastinator at all.)

I went to the grocery store in small town G and saw that they were doubling and tripling coupons (I think it's only for a certain amount of time) and was so excited! Now I just have to figure out how to do that. Anyone with advice or know how the heck that works please let me know. I did read their coupon policy and the lingo... I need a translator ok? (My grandma knows how to do this...)

Yesterday I got all "I'm going to plant something, dangit!" I went outside pulled out the dead pepper plants in the garden and then just stood there for a few minutes, sighed an extra heavy sigh and went back inside. Nothing like working around grasshoppers and walking on dead, crunchy grass to get you motivated about a garden. I'll just continue walking through the freezer and produce aisles (by the way I have the hardest time spelling aisle) pretending it's my garden.

A few nights ago I dreamed that it rained. We have a mild/medium (salsa scale) chance for rain this weekend. It is cloudy but it doesn't matter since I now have a complete distrust of any and all clouds, weathermen (and women) and my personal favorite, people updating their Facebook status that it's raining. It's not raining! You are just hallucinating, obviously, because it's not raining here. Also, you have no pictures proving this. Jealous? Me!? No way!

And I must tell you the latest funny thing my kid said this morning, or rather, what I heard. (it's not meant to be offensive, okay?) All the kids were in the den/playroom/room-with-random-purposes and they were playing loudly. I asked them if they would please not yell so much and they answered they were playing Dinosaur Train. (it's on PBS.) So I'm sitting in the adjoining room answering an email and I hear, "Wait for Mexican Doctor! He missed the train!" And I immediately have a crazy amount of interest in their imaginary play. Who is this mysterious Mexican Doctor? I don't ask anything yet because I'm waiting to see what the "Mexican Doctor" is doing. "Hi, Mexican Doctor!! You forgot to punch our tickets!" "Mexican Doctor, where are we going now?" OH my word! (light bulb moment) He is saying MR. CONDUCTOR! But fast and in a child-size accent. (you know, children have their own accent.) I had a real good laugh after I figured that one out. And I hope you did too.

I can't top that and so I bid you farewell, auf Wierdersehen, goodnight. Have a rockin' weekend.

P.S. Texas Fight! Texas Fight! 
and for our collective enjoyment: 


  1. Mexican Doctor. That's golden. Any type of conductor, from this day forth, shall be a Mexican Doctor.

  2. I love that you are forecasting rain on a "salsa scale". I found that Extra Hot funny.
