Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Snippet

ah... taking a short break to make some lunch and blog. I'm in the middle of reorganizing the boys' toy collection. I am so glad I went through them two weeks ago and sorted them out. They now actually play with what they have. Since D's birthday brought some more toys I am now in full "it must be organized" mode. For my sanity.

I had their entire floor cleared and was vacuuming when they walked in and exclaimed how nice it looked. I know they are itching to get in there and discover where I've put the cars and dinosaurs... speaking of dinosaurs, we stopped at the post office last night and look what we got:

I mean, look what D got! He was a little bit excited thus the blurry picture. Thanks CLB and Holly! Y'all are awesome.

Today is my dad's birthday. We are having a little family get together tonight and my mom is making lasagna (yea!). That makes me happy for two reasons. 1) her lasagna is delicious and 2) I don't have to cook supper.

I better get back to my organizing... I see the boys noticed my absence and are probably thinking they need to reorganize things to their standards. Got to run!

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