Monday, April 18, 2011

A Bouncing Good Time

It's Monday, which means you get to hear about my wonderful weekend! Friday I recieved a message that our trampoline was in. I had it delivered to our small town Sears because I didn't want to spend $90 on shipping. (It was on sale when I bought it- $90 off and an additional 5% off) I was not going to spend my savings on outrageous shipping charges. I went and picked it up and thankfully my mom was able to help me slide it out of her suburban when we got home. The thing weighed over 170 pounds! Apparently the trampoline had been the talk at the Sears store. When I picked it up all the employees had something to say about it. Like, they wished they were the ones getting the trampoline. I didn't know what the hype was about because sadly I had NEVER been on a trampoline. It's true, I know I wouldn't forget something so awesome if I had been able to experience it in my childhood. We set it up after the kids went to sleep. I think it was around 9pm when we started. It was 2am when I got to bed. Thankfully we have a security light on our electric pole so we didn't have trouble seeing much. After some miscounting by me and having to adjust a bunch of springs which pinched T's hands and gave him multiple blood blisters we were done. T immediately started jumping and doing back-flips and I kinda jumped a couple times but was pretty tired and nervous about the whole thing. I have issues with feeling "out of control". Anyhow I was heading back into the house when I heard T saying something along the lines of, "HELP! I'm stuck!" I turned and saw that he was practically all the way off of the trampoline. Thank goodness we set up the enclosure, it was holding him above the ground but he was so far off the trampoline he couldn't get himself up. I had to go push him back onto the trampoline. Needless to say, the netting there is a little stretched out. I am secretly glad it happened because if it was able to hold a grown man surely will hold my little darlings.

The boys woke up the next morning and the first thing they asked was if they could get on the trampoline. They love it. They spent three continuous hours on it. The even ate breakfast there. So far they are making it well worth the money. I'm not sure they have ever enjoyed something so much. I was going to put up a picture but I only have pictures with T doing back-flips and me looking very stiff. I do have a better time jumping alone because I am paranoid that I might cause them some injury.
That was pretty much our weekend. We spent the entire time on the trampoline.
Now I'm back to real shopping and laundry,

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