Friday, June 29, 2012

ten happy things friday

Coconut almond chocolate chip ice cream (do not tell my doc about this one)

I got my sneakers yesterday and they... fit! I also got a work out dvd to counteract #1.

Planning on filling up the kiddie pool in a little while so the kids can play in it this afternoon. I might join them.

I am so enjoying not having TV. The kids sit and "read" books, I read lots of books to them. I do find their favorite shows on youtube and we watch them together a couple times a week. I haven't really missed it at all either.

I bought this cool lunch box container system (50% off!) that looks like a great thing to take with us to the park to fill with snacks. It all snaps on a blue ice square. I got this one.

I found a recipe for oven fried pickles and kind of regret it because now I want to make them and eat the whole batch. I like pickles, but it's never been like, "Yay!!! Pickles!!" until recently. I make sure I have the mini Claussen Kosher Dills in the fridge at all times.

The boys scrubbed the pool so they could go swimming. I didn't have to do it.

Strawberries and watermelon

Gummy vitamins.

My family. I am glad I have them.

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