Monday, July 7, 2014

Oh, July

I have a few goals for the next 2 weeks. I want to go through all of our clothes, organize the kitchen cabinets and go through and organize the kids' toys. That's a lot of organizing. I don't know if I'll get it all done when I want to, but I'm going to try.

This morning the kids (except Sam) went to VBS. They were so excited when I picked them up. They were telling me all about what they did; D and Ryan got to be in a skit and they all got these little yellow foam submarines, so on the way home they were singing "we all live in a yellow submarine".

I haven't read a book in a few months, so I'm going to start The Hiding Place tonight. The boys and I are learning a lot and having fun with Taekwondo. Our first belt test is in a few weeks and I'm nervous about it. I need to practice more at home because I keep forgetting the second part of our pattern, but thankfully I have our manual that gives step by step instructions! I think I'm going to sign the kids up for soccer camp at the end of the month. I'm not really into soccer, especially in late July and August in Texas. Talk about hot, but one child in particular has repeatedly asked to play soccer for about 2 years. Something has always come up or we missed the deadline to sign up, however, this year I got smart and found out early about the dates. Ok, I gotta feed all the mouths!

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