Friday, August 22, 2014


The boys started a new school year on Wednesday. D is in 2nd grade and Ry is 1st. So far they are really enjoying school. I started doing preschool with Rose and I'm happy to say that she is able to focus and she even likes the hour we spend on it. I tried it last year and she just wasn't ready. I think being a year older plus getting glasses (yay! she can actually see now!) helps.
I've got to say, if your kids are super uninterested in learning letters/numbers or can't remember what letters look like at 3-4 years old... go get their vision checked. Our pediatrician does a little eye chart exam at 5 years old, but for us that was too late and I had already caught the boys eye problems and were seeing an optometrist. I caught Rose's vision problems pretty early. One, she wouldn't sit on the couch to watch tv or movies. She had to be close to the screen. Two, after spending an ample amount of time learning about a letter she couldn't pick it out on a page with other letters no matter how many times we tried. (She could pick out T, O and X) Three, after both boys needing glasses and the family history I was watching a lot more closely. The optometrist was impressed that I had caught it so early. Four, I had a gut feeling she wasn't seeing clearly. Trust that feeling.
We went on our 2nd annual trip to Schlitterbahn to reward the kids for completing their swim lessons and to celebrate our anniversary. This year was our 10th anniversary! It has gone by so fast and time's not slowing down. It's amazing what has happened in 10 years and I'm so glad I got to live those years with my best friend by my side. It makes me excited for the next 10!