Tuesday, January 22, 2013


We had a great weekend. I got out of the house and did a little shopping with my mom and Sam and Tim installed our new storm door. We had some family come by and they got to meet Sam. I finally bought cabinet hardware for the kitchen, blinds for the kids' room and comfy pillows for the couch. Yesterday I cleaned, washed and put away... the kids were home and played outside all day thanks to the Spring weather we're experiencing. 70 degrees in January is lovely. It's hard to remember that it's winter with this short sleeve weather and I keep looking for plants and flowers to buy but there aren't any yet. Now I need to go plan dinner tonight, spaghetti squash with meat sauce. I bet the kids love it.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had an awesome Tuessday!! Isn't this warm from awesome?! We were actually able to take a walk today in just our hoodies. And it's supposed to be 72 on Monday before it drops back to the 40s. Definitely going to take advantage of it.
