Wednesday, January 30, 2013

what-what wednesday

So... a little glimpse into what's been going on around here:
That's our septic line. It's gross. It was clogged and now it's not. It was also broken and now it's not. Also, family and friends that enjoy the driveway... um, this was the driveway and now it's not. Your route is being recalculated.

In other news and not related at all to the above crap, D and I went on a field trip yesterday. We saw a play in College Station (not a fan.... \m/), BUT it was fun and I have to say that the people were friendly. As usual. I got to hang out with a few other moms and I have to say that they were awesome. I really had a good time. So did D. And he was, as usual, the most well behaved child and totally made me look like an awesome parent. 

Sam is growing more everyday. She's smiling and "talking" to us and is just the sweetest baby.

Well, I have to get moving again. It's time for cookies and picking up my biggest boy and getting a sleeping Rose in the car.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Friday, January 25, 2013

ten happy things friday

a) Love the new pillows... didn't know pillows could make a person happy.
b) trying to get baby to smile

sitting on the front porch with my best friend after the kids are tucked in

100 gummy life savers for 100 days of school

(our little nickname for spaghetti squash w/ meat sauce)
delicious.... could eat it several times a week

today is day 26 of living without a microwave
I don't miss it. 

clearing the clutter 
living with less feels grand

playing "who can say it louder" (D's memory verse) on the way to school

children that play outside, use their imagination and still don't know how to work the TV remote

planning a grand weekend

the way Rose pronounces wallet: woblet

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


We had a great weekend. I got out of the house and did a little shopping with my mom and Sam and Tim installed our new storm door. We had some family come by and they got to meet Sam. I finally bought cabinet hardware for the kitchen, blinds for the kids' room and comfy pillows for the couch. Yesterday I cleaned, washed and put away... the kids were home and played outside all day thanks to the Spring weather we're experiencing. 70 degrees in January is lovely. It's hard to remember that it's winter with this short sleeve weather and I keep looking for plants and flowers to buy but there aren't any yet. Now I need to go plan dinner tonight, spaghetti squash with meat sauce. I bet the kids love it.

Friday, January 18, 2013

ten happy things friday

Happy Friday!!!
(Numeri in Italino)

So thankful for a wonderful husband!

Sunshine and nice weather... kids playing outside.

Getting out of the house. Alone! 
Very grateful.

Brita water bottles

Laughing at this Bad Lip Reading

My beautiful children.

Music that makes me happy

Maybe getting a little hair-snip


It's Friday! It's Friday!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

one month

Sam turned a month old yesterday. It seems like she's been with us forever, but at the same time like we just brought her home. Time is moving way too fast.

Some things to remember about this month:
  • sleeps for long stretches at night (4-5 hours)
  • if she wakes up in her car seat she lets us know immediately that she wants out!
  • eats every 2-3 hours
  • naps best swaddled or laying on her belly
  • uses a paci to fall asleep/soothe
  • hiccups, hiccups, hiccups 
  • is already spoiled (even though experts claim newborns can't be spoiled). She cries if we put her down while she's awake and is content as can be while we hold her. She loves to be talked to.
  • sleeps through the majority of her siblings' noise
  • smiles and coos 
  • has been out and about... church, school, Ikea, to the grandparents' houses
  • fell asleep during her first bath
  • is a mostly happy baby
Oh, I forgot! Sunday while I was grocery shopping with the masses.... Miss Advanced held her own bottle.

I think we'll keep her!

Friday, January 11, 2013

ten happy things friday

It's been quite a while since I've done one of these posts! The reason I started "ten happy things" was because it demanded me to look for what I am thankful for or things that make me happy instead of focusing on things that are generally categorized as "first world problems".

my little house

 baby feet

watching the sun come up this morning

pizza sandwiches for lunch

 listening to Rose say "el perro" and "el gato" 
(dog and cat in Spanish)

finding a baptism dress for Sam that didn't cost $$$$$

good mornings all week

my new plates

blue skies


Wednesday, January 9, 2013

back on the blogging horse

So... hi there. If anyone was wondering what happened to me, I am still alive. I've just been very, very busy. Besides the holidays, sick kids, working on the house and the usual everyday stuff I have a newborn. A newborn that needs lots of holding and back patting and talking. I think every time I have sat down to write a little post either Sam wakes up or someone else needs me for something. To try to get something done while the littlest is demanding to be held I finally tried out the Moby wrap my sister is letting me borrow... Sam screamed. I took her out and then she spit up all over me, but I am going to try it again soon.
getting ready to yell at me. again.

Really, though, Sam is a great baby. I won't say that she's sleeping through the night (don't wanna jinx anything), but she has been sleeping really well. She simply prefers to be held instead of sitting all alone in her swing or bassinet when she's awake. She loves it when we talk to her (which is all the time) and has started smiling! 

Our Christmas vacation ended Monday and D went back to school. Apparently he had a really great day, but it's like pulling teeth trying to get him to tell me about his day. I'm not much of a talker myself and he does take after me quite a bit.

Rose turned 3 during my unplanned blog-cation.
She's beautiful, bossy and strong willed. She's also just plain adorable.

And not leave him out, Ry needs a haircut. Desperately. I think it's time to take him a licensed professional for this one. 
I spy a Rose!

Well, I guess I should get something to eat while I have the chance. Adios.